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Owner: 0x7f8c...30dF
(16 domains on Namefi)
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link TLD
4 letters
Pure Number
10k Club is valuable because the number sequence '0886' could resonate across myriad cultural and industrial contexts. For instance, in consumer industries, '0886' might be seen in product models or as a symbol of luck in certain cultures. Similarly, the '.link' TLD (Top-Level Domain) adds flexibility, aiding in branding for technological, informational, or networking-based entities, enhancing its appeal and utility in various business or personal networking contexts.
Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.

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Estimated Score by Namefi AI

Detail appraisal report

Table of Contents

  1. Key Factors Considered

    • Domain Length
    • Keyword Relevance
    • TLD (Top-Level Domain)
    • Brandability
    • Market Demand
    • SEO Potential
  2. Estimated Value

  3. Recommendations

    • Market Positioning
    • Potential Buyers
    • Sales Strategy
  4. Conclusion

Key Factors Considered

Domain Length: The domain '' is relatively short with 8 characters including the TLD, which is generally positive as shorter domains are easier to remember.

Keyword Relevance: The domain consists of numeric characters '0886' and does not contain any common keywords or phrases, making it less relevant in keyword-based searches.

TLD (Top-Level Domain): The TLD '.link' is a generic TLD that is gaining popularity but it is not as well-established as .com, .net, or .org. It may be more suited for link-shortening services or URL redirect services.

Brandability: The numeric sequence '0886' doesn't have an obvious meaning or brandability. However, it could be branded creatively by businesses looking for a numeric domain or local entities in regions where '0886' holds significance.

Market Demand: Numeric domains tend to have a specific niche market, especially in regions where numbers hold significant cultural or practical value. There is moderate demand for such domains, especially among tech-savvy users.

SEO Potential: SEO potential is limited due to the lack of keywords. However, if used effectively in marketing campaigns, it could have a neutral to positive impact on SEO.

Estimated Value

Based on the above factors, the estimated value range for '' is:

  • Upper range: $300
  • Lower range: $50


Market Positioning: Position the domain as a numeric domain suitable for specific niche markets, such as tech companies, local businesses, or services interested in a unique and memorable numeric domain.

Potential Buyers: Potential buyers include tech startups, local businesses in regions where '0886' has relevance, or companies specialized in link management or URL shortening services.

Sales Strategy: To maximize value, consider marketing the domain through domain marketplaces and industry-specific forums. Highlight the short length and unique number sequence in your sales pitch. Explore outbound marketing to businesses within your target demographic.


The domain '' has moderate market value due to its shorter length and the '.link' TLD. While it lacks immediate keyword relevance and brandability, it can be valuable to the right buyer, particularly in niche markets. The domain is estimated to be worth between $50 and $300 based on current market trends and the factors considered.

Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.